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Instant Auto Detailing
Instant Club Cleaning
Innovative Shoe Care
Writer's pictureFTI Brands


Updated: Dec 3, 2020 is a blog that was created by a bunch of friends in Northern California that love the outdoors. They love biking, hiking, surfing, camping and climbing -- really anything that makes the outdoors a part of everyday life. The name of their blog, “TrailblazerGirl” is all about their goal of discovering new products for anyone that lives by this outdoorsy montra.

When you spend everyday doing something outdoors, your shoes are bound to accumulate grass stains, scuff marks and trail grime. Because of this, TrailblazerGirl found the perfect item that fits the lifestyle: SneakERASERS

SneakERASERS is a pre-moistened instant sneaker cleaner that can clean up these stains and marks on the go! It doesn’t matter if you’re at home, on the trail, on the beach or on the campsite, you can reach for these ready-to-use shoe cleaners and buff away the grime from the day. They’re perfectly convenient to take with you in your camping bag and extremely effective on cleaning up rubber or synthetic midsoles and logos.

Check out the TrailBlazerGirl feature on SneakERASERS here and make sure to take some with you on your next trail blazing outing!


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